Dragonhope Weyr
Name: Erobruc
Race: Outer Realmer, Human, Pernese
History and Personality: As the first born to a wealthy lord holder, Erobruc expected his life to be laid out for him, helping his father manage the family lands and then taking over as lord when the time came. However, everything changed when he manifested the ability to read minds. At first the ability to tell people what he knew they needed to hear heightened his natural charisma. But when he won at cards just a few too many times, people started to get suspicious. Even though most of the holder folk wouldn’t speak ill of the lord’s son to his face, he could, of course, read their disapproval all the same. They didn’t want to live under a lord holder who could hear their private thoughts. When the search riders from Dragon Hope Weyr suggested his heightened telepathic ability would make him a good candidate for dragon riding, he was eager for the opportunity. So, too, was he excited to relocate to the world of Cyrna, where the magic users could help him channel his natural ability far more readily than the comparatively magic-free folk of Pern. His parents were sad to see him go, of course, but they understood it was for the best. At Dawn Star Citadel, he serves as Flight Leader Jegora’s Second, as well as mediating in internal conflicts in the Citadel, because his ability means he can always tell if someone is lying.