Dragonhope Weyr
Name: Lorag
Race: Outer Realmer (Human, Pernese)
Personality and History: Lorag was a sickly youth, often kept away from other people as a result. As an adult, when he recovered for an illness, he decided enough of that, and trained hard to be as hale and hearty as possible — and more importantly, in his eyes, to prove himself as such to the outside world. Lorag forever longed to be a dragonrider like his parents, but never thought such a thing was possible. He was thrilled all his hard work paid off when he was searched and bonded Sawth. He was excited to leave Pern and seek adventures on Cyrna when the ambassadors arrived, because here was a place where no one other than his siblings would remember his past. When not flying with Sawth, Lorag loves singing, and baking bread.
If we were doing canon I could totally see him being a Bromstead ancestor but shhh, this is not canon.